Unreal Engine Tips & Tricks #1

  • Basic workflow for creating splines: Create a spline component in your blueprint >> Set it's world points by passing in the vector data [see link below] >> Add a spline mesh component >> Set static mesh >> Set material for the mesh >> Get the location (and tangents, if necessary) at the stored spline points [see link below] and use this data to set start/end points as well as tangent vectors for the spline mesh. [Do a for loop with the spline points data, if you have more than two points]
  • Select a group of blueprint nodes, right click and select 'Collapse to function' to have the editor automatically create a function encompassing those nodes.
  • It is possible to increase or decrease the rate at which an animation is run, by adjusting the Rate Scale (shown below) in the details panel of the anim sequence.
